Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Moonlight shaded by night clouds,
Within the sky once blue calling out to summer,
In the palest shade of blue through the day,
Followed by precious navy in the night,
Found only in an unexpected reverie,
Therefore, summer has passed by,
Leaving you, the unforgettable spark in your eyes,
Words indescribable, unspoken and bewildering,
Lodged with untamed eagerness into reality,
Here I am cold, as rain crosses the sky
Teeth clattering to numbness past decoy,
For you, have vanished afar,
Two worlds puzzled and obstinate,
Steadfast you in your own and me in mine,
Traveling across the same paths of reality,
Side by side, no conclusions convened,
Baby, simple as it is, as you turn left,
You will find me turning right facing you,
A profound reflection in your eyes forever.

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